Custom DeLorean Poster

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The following poster was created with Adobe Photoshop 5.0.  This is graphic creation (100% man-made with the exception of the DeLorean shown on the front of the box).  It depicts a room with a blue tile floor and a "DeLorean: Classic Sports Car" box.  Don't ask me why I made this...just seemed like a cool idea.

This poster is 24 X 18 inches and has a resolution of 150 pixels per inch.  This poster was printed on a high resolution HP Color Inkjet Plotter with a resolution of 600 DPI.  

The image to the left is a full size, full resolution "cut from the new poster and should accurately display the resolution and size of the complete poster.  The image below has a pink rectangle to show where this "cut out" came from off of the poster.
The image to the right is a smaller version of the poster.  It is 72 pixels per inch (as compared to 150 for the full size version.  Again, the pink rectangle shows the area that the above picture was taken from.  Questions?  e-mail me at